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A member registered Oct 29, 2019

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(1 edit)

Thanks for the comments! Initially, there was the idea to add a shop where you could trade gold for dice, as well as use gold to purchase power ups,  which may have migitated the problems you mentioned.. unfortunately we did not have time to bring the idea to fruition.

Loved the art and how the characters starting moving from the start screen.

The idea for the game is very interesting and the art and sound are quite well done. My only concern is that it is very hard as a single player game, but too easy as multiplayer.

Interesting concept, but I don't think it suits the theme very well.

The movements of the lizard is really amusing! The controls are pretty good, and I found it intuitive to control the lizard

The tutorial section and teaching the player how to play was well done. The later puzzles were really interesting and well designed.

(1 edit)

The puzzles are interesting, and it is really similar to baba is you.

I think you did a great job with the level design

An interesting game that became quite fun and chaotic after awhile. 

I love how to music has 2 states, with a faster one when you are joined together. But sadly, there was not much reason to be in the split state. A fun game overall.

The controls are smooth and music is great. Overall I think it is a good game. But I can't really see the relation with the theme "joined together", as the game is not really about joining parts, but rather switching them out.

I really like the visuals. I played it alone, and found the controls quite confusing, but I can see the intention for it to be played as a co-op game.

(2 edits)

Hello, we have a multiplayer game if you would like to try it

The game is about fighting each other to deliver gifts. Compete with your friends to deliver the most gifts! =)
Supports up to 4 players (keyboards and controllers).

Interesting idea with nice animation and good game play. However, I find that the jumping is too hard to execute well. Maybe you can make Santa have more air time when jumping.